Terms in bold are listed elsewhere in this glossary, alphabetically.
- Addendum: Additional information at the back of a book, sometimes laid in.
- Advance Copy orAdvance Reader Copy (ARC): Copy of a book sent out to reviewers in advance of public edition release; sometimes not identical to actual edition.
- Bonded Leather: Plastic binding containing particles of real leather. Technically not misrepresented by the publisher, for very large values of “technically.”
- Broadside: Generally a limited edition of a poem or other short work printed on a single sheet.
- Condition: These terms have specific and precise meanings in the used-book world, as follows:
- Like New (sometimes As New) ~ in essentially perfect condition
- Fine ~ an exceptionally well preserved copy showing little if any sign of wear. The standard typically demanded by collectors.
- Near Fine ~ very closer to fine condition; perhaps slight shelfwear.
- Very Good ~ although there may be some minor faults which will be enumerated, the binding is sound and the contents are clean and well preserved. May still be desirable to some collectors.
- Good ~ the average used copy with obvious signs of wear which will be enumerated. Not collectable, but still a serviceable copy.
- Fair ~ a below-average copy with major flaws which will be enumerated. Often referred to as a “reading” copy.
- Poor ~ a book with serious damage and flaws. Reputable booksellers generally do not sell books in this condition.
- Ex-Library: traditionally a catch-all euphemism for a poor copy, now only refers to used second-hand books from institutional collections.
- Edition: All copies of a book printed (see printing) from the same setting of type; i.e., a revision of a book would be a new edition.
- Errata, erratum, errata slip: List of mistakes noticed after the book was printed, usually laid-in.
- Folio: More than 13 inches tall.
- Laid-in: Separate pages or items placed inside the book, loose (not bound or attached).
- Letterpress: Hand-press.
- Octavo (8vo): Between 8 and 10 inches tall.
- Parchment: Untanned animal hide used in bookbinding (usually pale, like thin doggie-bone rawhide).
- Printing: Copies of a work from the same press run or setting of type as an earlier printing; when revisions are made, a subsequent printing is considered to be a new edition. Generally indicated by a row of numbers at the bottom of the copyright page.
- Publisher’s Copy (PC): Similar to an ARC; a proof copy not included in the edition itself.
- Quarto (4to): Between 10 and 13 inches tall.
- Type: Metal letters or digital document file used to print a book.
- Uncut edges: Untrimmed page edges.
- Vanity publishing: Printed at the author’s own expense; generally indicates that reputable publishers were unwilling to print the work, for a variety of possible reasons.
- Vellum: Untanned calfskin; a fine grade of parchment used in bookbinding; pale and smooth, like thin rawhide.
Additional Resources:
- Alibris Glossary of Book Terms: www.alibris.com/glossary/glossary.cfm
- Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America: www.abaa.org/cgi-bin/abaa/abaapages/glossary.html
- Booksplendour Glossary: www.booksplendour.com.au/bs_glossary.htm
- Crazy Book Lady Glossary: http://crazybooklady.com/gloss.htm
- Foreign-language bibliographic glossary:
- Independent Online Booksellers Association: www.ioba.org/terms.html
- International League of Antiquarian Booksellers: www.ilab-lila.com/english/glossary.htm
- Shipley Art Booksellers: www.artbook.co.uk/glossary/